I started this blog years ago when I was still in high school to write and talk about the mundane things in life. I’ve had this blog for x years and I’ve talked about a lot of random things – school, hobbies, dreams, frustrations, work, love life, things that made me happy, etc. I’ve kept myself hidden under the name, Ria N, so the people I know irl wouldn’t know about it. It started out so childish – my first post, my blog domain, my username, etc. – that I want it to remain hidden from the world forever (because cringe ikr?).

As years went on, I’ve thought about decluttering and organizing my page for my circles to see, but I just don’t have the time and also because I’m not so sure on what direction this blog is headed to. Even though I’m slowly gaining confidence in myself (as you can see on my profile and recent post), I’ve never really wanted/ targeted/ dreamed of reaching a wider audience – just a small amount of followers will do.

For some reason, I’m scared to let my life open to the people I know irl. As a private person, I had to hide my name, my face, and avoided posting pictures of myself – basically, I hid my whole identity. This blog has had actually undergone a lot of switching – from public to private, vice versa. I tried to quit on it, made it private, and then went on semi-hiatus for a year or two when people found out about it.

I opened a few more blogs and transferred to Tumblr, but I just find myself getting back here. Maybe because I have had a few readers (tho most of them all went MIA now), as compared to all my recent sites. So I’m kind of inclined to give updates to the few active mutuals I have now.

Tho, I’m not as active as I used to, I’m still a silent reader and I enjoy reading what each and everyone is up to nowadays. I’ll try to open up more and no longer hide myself and get you guys updated too.

Tho somewhat personal, I’ll try to make each post to be as ‘authentic’ as possible, like how it was originally intended to be – just an online diary, a blog containing my honest thoughts, opinions and feelings – nothing filtered.

Somehow, it has always been a place where I can look back into. I laugh at myself whenever I go read my old posts.
